

his volume No. 11 presents a structured compilation in 6 thematic sections which comprise 9 articles. The first section in Education, presents the articles: Methods of teaching Physics in the distance modality at the Saturday Institute "Esperanza", in the municipality of Siuna; and, Disciplinary behavior in the "Niño Jesús" school, Siuna, North Atlantic Autonomous Region, 2011. The second section, entitled Higher Education in the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast, presents the following articles: Training of URACCAN teachers in the Natural Resources Area ; Also, Relevance of the programs for the learning of English in Business Administration, New Guinea Campus and field practices in the training of engineering students in Zootechnics, URACCAN New Guinea. The third section called Linguistic and Cultural Revitalization includes two articles: Ethno-Mathematics in the Ulwas, Karawala community, South Atlantic Autonomous Region, Nicaragua and Ma-Kuagro: Elements of the culture of San Basilio Palenque, Colombia, and its incidence in the pedagogical practices. The fourth section Indigenous and Afro-descendant Culture includes an article: Indigenous Economy in the community of Wasakín, municipality of Rosita, RAAN. Closure of the fifth section called Social Sciences, the article The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Nicaragua, within the framework of the energy agreement.


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Author Biography

Alta Suzzane Hooker Blandford, Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense

Máster en Salud Pública. Rectora de la Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense.

How to Cite
Hooker Blandford, A. (2012). Prologue. Science and Interculturality, 11(2), 5.