Competitiveness of cocoa producing organizations (theobroma cacao l) in southeastern Nicaraguan

  • Norman Javier Saballos Bluefields Indian and Caribbean University
  • Carlos Manuel Amador Consultor Senior
  • Wilson Antonio Calero Borge Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense
Keywords: Value Chain, Comparative Advantages, Competitive Strategies


The factors related to the competitiveness of the producer organizations that commercialized cacao during 2014 were identified in the southeastern region of Nicaragua. To identify the factors related to competitiveness, each of the primary and support activities were studied through the "Value Chain", as well as the indicators of competitiveness, productivity, product quality, costs, market share, market permanence and profitability. The study was conducted through surveys of representatives of seven organizations.


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Author Biographies

Norman Javier Saballos, Bluefields Indian and Caribbean University

Máster en Agronegocios. Coordinador de la Facultad de Agroforestería de la Bluefields Indian and Caribbean University.

Carlos Manuel Amador, Consultor Senior

Máster en Agronegocios. Consultor Senior.

Wilson Antonio Calero Borge, Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense

Máster en Agroforestería Tropical. Coordinador de Investigación de la Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense-Recinto Universitario Nueva Guinea.

How to Cite
Saballos, N., Amador, C., & Calero Borge, W. (2017). Competitiveness of cocoa producing organizations (theobroma cacao l) in southeastern Nicaraguan. Science and Interculturality, 21(2), 104-114.