Phytoplankton density, phosphorus quantity, carbon and nitrogen in Apanás Lake, Jinotega, 2019

Keywords: Lake; phytoplankton; sediment


This research consisted of gathering information on the population density of phytoplankton and the amount of nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) present in the sediment of Apanás Lake, it should be noted that this body of water is artificial. Regarding the methodology, 3 water and sediment sampling points were chosen, at the entrance, middle zone and exit of the Lake (Fuentes, 2017). In the results, it was possible to show a relationship between the amount of nutrients and the microalgae population, it should be considered that the nutrients provided by runoff may also have influenced


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Author Biographies

Carmen Isabel Hernández Rivera, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua-León

Master en Desarrollo Local Sostenible, Profesora de la Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias y Veterinarias

Melba Regina Alamirano Perez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua-León

Ingeniera Acuícola. Investigadora

Karolina Lisseth Mendoza Mendoza, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua-León

Ingeniera Acuícola. Investigadora

How to Cite
Hernández Rivera, C., Alamirano Perez, M., & Mendoza Mendoza, K. (2020). Phytoplankton density, phosphorus quantity, carbon and nitrogen in Apanás Lake, Jinotega, 2019. Science and Interculturality, 27(02), 147 - 158.
Natural Resources and Environment

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